Thursday 30 April 2020

Ben's online learning 30/4

Ben has written about his favourite toy. This piece of writing will go into his time capsule he is making.

Counting money

Connor's Maori Kupu 30/4

Connor's 1 minute maths graph

Make your graph
Use Hannah’s exercises and get other people in your bubble to
do them for one minute.

Count how many they do and record results.

Max's Maths 30/4.

Make your own graph
Use Hannah’s exercises and get other people in your bubble to do
them for one minute.

Count how many they do and record results.

Max's online learning 30/4

Spelling and writing
This week we are working on writing a draft, editing and publishing our writing


Advait's writing

Advait has written about what he is missing and his favourite toy.

Jemims's maths 30.4

Jemima has counted the exercises in one minute and made a graph to record her results.

Olivia's maths and writing 30.4

Olivia has created her own graph and written about her favourite toy.

Bella's writing

Bella has written what she misses the most and about one thing she does in her bubble.

Kauri's learning 30.4

Kauri has been completing some maths activities and he has written a story to go with his Goldilocks creation from yesterday.

Susanna's maths 30.4

Susanna has completed this maths sheet where she had to make 10 before adding on the next number.

Bella's Math 30/4

Make your own graph.
Use Hannah’s exercises and get other people in your bubble to do them for one minute.

Count how many they do and record results.

Wednesday 29 April 2020

Olivia's exercise challenge

                                               Olivia exercising with her whanau.

Odin's Anzac poppy art

Connor's online learning 29/4 My Favourite Toy

This week we are working on writing a draft, editing and publishing our writing
Write about your favourite toy.  
Add a note about your toy.
What is their name?   
How long have you had it?
Who gave it to you?

Bella's Writing 29/4

My Favourite Toy
Add a note about your toy.
What is their name?   
How long have you had it?
Who gave it to you?

Why did you get it?

Nate's Writing Time capsule 29/4

Write about What are you missing the most and why?

Lockdown writing 1. 

What I miss most is my Aunty Pam, she is fun. I miss her because she gives us ice cream. I miss going on the farm and spending time with her and uncle Bev.

By Nate

Kauri's home learning creation

Kauri has been very busy in his bubble. He has made a Goldilocks house using a shoe box.

Anzac day For Susanna

Susanna and her brothers at the end of their driveway on Anzac morning.


The Task is to learn how to make up their own questions and to find the answers by using the graph.

Bella's Answers

Max's Maori Kupu

Day 1 Learning Maori Kupu

Jemima's writing

Jemima has written about what she is missing the most.  She has published her work so it is neatly written with correct punctuation.

Olivia Maori Kupu 29/4

Day 1 Learning of Maori Kupu

Jemima's Basic Facts

Jemima has got a certificate from Prototec for getting 100% at Stage 2-3.

Maggie's Time Capsule writing

This week we are working on writing a draft, editing and publishing our writing

Olivia's Writing Time Capsule

Time capsule writing
What are you missing the most in lockdown?
Learning to  make a draft copy, editing and the publishing

Isla's writing 29/4

Time Capsule 
My favourite toy

What I am missing the most in lockdown and one thing I have done in lockdown.

Max's Time capsule 29/4

                                          Writing about his favourite toy

Olivia's online learning

Maths Time
Learning how to tell the time